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Author: liz25 Subject: what drives us to wait?

Posts: 2
Registered: 02-07-2007

posted on 02-07-2007 at 13:44 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
what drives us to wait?

I do not know what made me wait until this age. Nevertheless, I am convinced I shouldn't have waited so long. I find myself at 22 years old, virgin, without a boyfriend and pretty lonely.
All I have is professional achivements that give me a terrible feeling of unfulfillment.
I am mad with myself for not having the courage to do something about this.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Dana (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 02-09-2007 at 19:44 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
What is it worth to you?

'I do not know what made me wait until this age. Nevertheless, I am convinced I shouldn't have waited so long. I find myself at 22 years old, virgin, without a boyfriend and pretty lonely.
All I have is professional achivements that give me a terrible feeling of unfulfillment.
I am mad with myself for not having the courage to do something about this.'

What do you want to do about it? ... a ONS?

I'm still a virgin, but I don't see it as being a problem - it's more a symptom
of a much bigger problem. I'm someone who cannot function in social
relationships (intimate and otherwise), so being a virgin is a small part of
a much larger problem.

If you're someone who can get and keep friends, then everything else will
follow in due time. In the meantime, it seems like a waste to just have sex
for the sake of having sex. Sex has whatever meaning you give to it,
and it's only logical that a thinking person would want for it to have meaning,
for it to have some kind of value. People who just want to have sex because
it feels good tend to react more out of feeling than thinking, and that is when
sex loses its value - it becomes something that has no meaning nor value.

When virgins are ashamed of being virgins, then that's a ringing condemnation
of our prevailing cultural standards - a gross perversion. There is something
fundamentally wrong with that. It's appalling how much our culture has deteriorated,
devaluing an act of intimacy to the point that it has no real meaning any longer.

I will likely die alone, and die a virgin, but I'll die with my principles intact,
and my principles define me for who I am. I will not have sex with someone
that I do not consider to be significant to me - a significant other.

Don't do something that you'll later regret.

Take care of yourself.

View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By Blank_Wall (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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Registered: 02-26-2006

posted on 02-10-2007 at 21:31 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
The big lie finally 'exposed'

Well, what drives people to have sex or lose it? For the most part, people are hedonistic and selfish. They are interested in satisfying their own needs, thus they will go in search for meaningless sex. They are Pressured from society, to fit in and feel accepted. But let me ask you this: What is it that will make you special, unique, different, if you blend in with all the other loose women, who not only have no morals, but are are jaded/bitter? It's a HUGE LIE that men will only date you/like you if you're 'putting out". Men will have sex with ANY women, even ones they hate, can't stand, or aren't attracted to. Most guys 'deep down' although they won't admit it, are looking for a women that will motivate them to have higher standards. Most men I know complain that they are turned-off by women with baggage and 16 year olds that already have bitter opionions of men because they've been sleeping around. What's attractive about that? As long as you are true to yourself, men will LOVe the fact that you're a virgin, because you will stand out as 'above' all the 'easy to find' women that are willing to put out with anyone. Those women blend in. There is nothing different about them.

As an experiment I posted a profile on a dating site. In my opening sentence I not only announced I was a virgin but that I was waiting until marriage. I did this as an experiment because I'm tired of women thinking they need to sleep with the guy to keep their interest. (I also had some very nice photos of myself) Well, the reaction was INSANE. I had guys congratulating me, telling me 'they thought women like me existed only in movies" They were all begging to take me out on a date. One guy said, 'more women should be like me" and that I was amazing...etc. One guy in another province said he's walk to my city just for the chance to take me out for lunch. These e-mails were from guys of all ages (young to older) and all good-looking. And me being a virgin did not deter them from wanting to 'date- me'.

So don't sell yourself short. If a guy truly likes you, they will love the fact that you have values/morals and that you aren't like the mindless blob of divorced, jadded, hardened women out there. This lie that you need sex to keep a guy interested should finally be exposed.

Also, you aren't missing anything. Women don't reach their sexual peak until their late 30's. Most young women/teenagers having sex are only having mediocre sex. The guy is just 'getting-off' and if you have sex you will probably be thinking "this is it?" Trust me, when you're in love, sex will be more meaningful and you can bypass all the emotional baggage.

If you're having sex in order to be 'fulfilled' your in for a big surprise. Sex will not fulfill you nor make you feel better. True fulfillment comes from within not meaningless sex or drugs/alchohol or any other substances that people use to distract themselves from the fact their lives have no meaning. Do not try to get your self-worth from sex. That is a huge mistake.
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posted on 02-20-2007 at 23:53 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Oh No's

WTF? Why would anyone wait so long for something so stupid?

Maybe I'm a lost case. But I've been fUk-in for awhile. I started when I was 13 and even then I lied about my age to an older woman, well girl she was 17. And I was her first, (so she said) It was alot easier to believe back then.

I was nervous and my only knowledge of sex was PrOn tapes that I found in my dads room. But damnit it made me a pro. I was gentle yet trained to a honed technique. I was goin' off in that girl but in a great way.

Virginity shouldn't be kept to yourself. It's your natrual instinct to have sex. And I see alot of words like "meaningless sex" what the heck-ta-gollie is that!? What? You don't want to have sex and get tossed to the side? Who does this.

Any smart person would obvioulsy continue Fuckin till the cows cum home. But being like 22 and ETC. Being acomplished ECT. And not feeling the great sensation of meat-beating that's crazy. I'm gonna stroke my cock tonite just for you and you should play with that pussy for me.

Don't misunderstand what I'm sayin' don't be like eew why is he being like this? or what-ever. Just simply understand that sex is over-rated. And waiting so long for something so stupid will make you end up hating yourself or the world.

Then your gonna get older and be a mean bitch to my kids when the walk on your grass, while you should just be having fun fun fun sex. And when your pussy's all wet and throbing you'll know then that you have your priorities strait.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Capt_Guile (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

Posts: 46
Registered: 02-26-2006

posted on 02-26-2007 at 17:36 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Just could be having sex and using your body with loser guys like the one above who doesn't even know how to string a proper sentence together.
Wait for someone decent who appreciates you, otherwize you'd be letting yourself be manipulated and used by crude, emotionally immature, unintelligent losers.
Remember, you're bringing the guy up to your standards, (real guys love it when they find a girl who can motivate them to be a better person) not lowering yourself down to their level.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By liz25 (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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